This Google Adsense Arbitrage System Guarantee You Make $400 in 7 Days or Money Back!
"How To Drive Tons of Server-Melting, Targeted, Google Adwords Traffic To Your Website For As Little As $0.01 Per Click - And Then Instantly Resell it for Up to $1.00 or More - All While You Spy On Your Competitors, Receive Fat Affiliate Commission Paychecks And Build Your List - 100% Guaranteed!"
"Never Before Seen Adsense Arbitrage Strategy Makes All Previous Adsense Arbitrage Models Obsolete!" |
Myth 1: "Google has 'Googleslapped' my Adwords campaign. All terms cost $1-$10 dollars and there's no cheap traffic to be found!" The Google slap was the best thing that happened to smart Google Adwords advertisers. The "lesser mortals" just left the game and the field was now wide open for people who understand how the game is played. What can I say? Natural selection can be a bitch. In any case, there are actually BOATLOADS of cheap traffic on Adwords - waiting for you to tap into! Myth 2: "Google 'cracked down' on affiliate marketers and Adsense Arbitrage rs" Really? When did that happen? Because I'm doing better than ever with affiliate marketing AND arbitrage - all through Google Adwords traffic. Google NEVER said they don't allow Adsense Arbitrage . If they did, they would just say "you are not allowed to put Adsense on your landing pages." But they never said that. Myth 3: "Adsense doesn't pay well any more. All my sites have been "smart priced" and there's nothing I can do" Without knowing you, I can't know if your sites have been "smart priced" and Google pays you less for your Adsense ads. But what I can tell you is that there are ways around "smart pricing." Do you think Google has any reason to dissatisfy their publishers like you? Any chance that most people just use Adsense in a DUMB (eeerr... sorry... I meant "uninformed") way? |
Anyway, let's get into the meat of things. If you want to make money with Adsense Arbitrage , you need to pay attention to a few things:
- Proper keyword research: There's tons of cheap traffic yours for the taking. And it only takes a few hours to find all the keywords you could ever want!
- Achieving a high Adwords quality score: This is a combination of your keywords, ads and landing page.
- Increasing the CTR (Click Through Rate) AND your earnings per click from your adsense ads. Your ads have to be placed in such a way that encourages clicks - but clicks is only half the story. You have to get paid well for those clicks too!
- Achieve a high Adsense Quality Score: Most people have no idea that such a thing even exists - let alone know HOW to achieve a high Adsense Quality Score (AQS)
Address these (and use a few more secrets I have up my sleeve) and you can be in profit from day one.
Here are some of the things you will discover if you keep reading:
How To Find a Profitable Niche And How To Do Keyword Research: Exactly what Adsense Arbitrage is and why it's totally OK with Google! (if you know what you are doing). Google has actually admitted that Adsense Arbitrage is a valid business model. It's when people try to game the system (in an obvious manner) that problems start. What's the # 1 problem in our society and why you need to get out of this mindset if you want to make any money online. Why Adsense Arbitrage is a completely ethical business model (if done right). Similar business models have been used online for decades - and offline for centuries! Why internet marketing is the ultimate video game and why you need to be smart to play this game... What types of niches to go after. Specific ideas given to you on a silver platter! You can just follow the process outlined with these "seed" keywords and set up a profitable Adsense Arbitrage campaign quickly... A free resource that sends you new niche ideas every day - including the approximate cost per click! Never be at a loss for profitable markets to target... How to perform keyword research. Detailed screenshots take you by the hand and show you how it's done - even if you are totally new to this! Which keywords to go after when you create your Adsense Arbitrage campaigns - and which to stay the hell away from! (Hint: if you think they are necessarily the most expensive in your market, don't bet your house on it) How to annihilate your competitors by tapping into dirt, dirt cheap keywords that they haven't even thought about (let alone use). Thinking out of the box is what will give you the edge... Managing your keyword lists: How to deduplicate your keyword lists, clean them up from unwanted terms, filter them, group them in related groups - the works... How to use Amazon to get access to even more keywords. Overload your campaigns with keywords and your server with traffic... The power of "brand term" keyword research. This alone can potentially bring you 1000ds of extra visitors a day - for mere pennies per click! Why sometimes it's important to rearrange the order of some of the keywords you have - and why not doing it could cut your traffic by up to 66%. I haven't heard ANYONE else talk about this (and I read a lot). |
How To Optimise Your Landing Pages For Maximum Profits: How to decide which Adsense term to target on your landing pages. If you said "the most expensive", think again. That's what everybody does and they make no money... Why focusing on the Cost Per Click of your Adsense terms is the WRONG thing to do. It could actually be catastrophic to your Adsense Arbitrage campaign. But I can't blame you if that's what you are doing right now. Everyone is telling you to do it. (Hint: any "Yahoo" can come into a market and pay $10 for the top term - but don't think that you will show that ad on your page) Why the "meaning" of your Adsense term can be crucially important. You can be a keyword-research and Adsense expert. But get this one wrong and good luck trying to make one red cent with Arbitrage... How to set up your landing page for maximum profits and why most arbitragers do it all wrong. Would you rather make $500 in profits from your Arbitrage campaign or $3,000? I thought so... The three main goals that your landing page should have and how to make damn sure that you achieve just that. Not all your visitors are looking for the exact same thing. Some of them are actually willing and able to spend more money with you than just $1 that you would get per click. Why not get it? It's yours. The question of "content" explained. Hint: there's more to it than just finding an article and slapping it on your page. If you do that, you are living lots of profits on the table that are rightfully yours... What you should do if you want to create a review for a product that pays you money - but you don't want to pay for the product! (no, it's not about stealing other people's reviews. This trick is 10 times dirtier and "low". I DON'T RECOMMEND YOU DO THIS - but you can, if you want. And I'll also show you an ethical way to do this. How to use your landing page's headline to draw attention to your Adsense ads. I share two ways you can do this. Note that Google frowns upon this. It's your choice whether you want to use them or not... How wide should your page be? Probably not as much as most peoples’ pages . Make it hard for your visitors to see your page and say goodbye to them... Two tools you can use to help you receive fatter paychecks. These tools where originally created to help you make more money from your Adsense. But I will show you a sneaky way to use them so you make more money from affiliate programs as well. I DON’T RECOMMEND you do this either. People who do this are really desperate for cash. That said, it works. How to name your page. Yes, this is extremely important for your profitability. NOBODY seems to be doing it correctly! Giving your page the wrong name could spell disaster for your Arbitrage campaign... The one thing you can do after you finish setting up your landing page that could save you thousands of dollars in lost revenue. Ever wonder why you start a campaign and NOBODY seems to click or buy? This may be the reason and here's how to fix it. How to test your Google ads without getting your hands slapped by Google if you click on your own ads. Don't worry, this is completely legit and with Google's blessings. You just add one simple line of code on your page... |
How To Improve Your Adsense CTR and Earnings Per Click: How to make sure that only the most relevant sites appear in your Adsense ads. This is key if you want to keep your visitors happy and those Adsense checks coming in like clockwork... Finally the answer to how many ads you should really have on your page. It's probably not what you think! (sometimes, less is more). How to use channels in your Adsense account in order to pinpoint like a nuclear missile where your profits are coming from. Ignore this at your peril... Why you have to use an alternative URL in your Adsense set up - and why failing to do so could mean lost profits for you - and many more than you think! Many Adsense publishers like using the big rectangle on their site as they feel it gives them good CTR. But is it REALLY the best option? Read this before you put another big rectangle on your pages! The "mini rectangle" trick and how to set this up. This is the ultimate in tracking your Adsense earnings - not to mention that you can see an increase in your Adsense paycheck! How to make the font of your site match that of your ads - that way your ads won't scream "I'm an ad!" Hint: you may need to play "Sherlock Holmes" to pull this one off - but it will take less than 60 seconds... Should you use images next to your ads? Yes, they work but Google doesn't like them. Now what? And you will also learn something even sneakier than images (I haven't heard Google complain about this so use it while you still can). How to manipulate the look of your ads so that they look more like helpful resources and less like ads. No, it has got nothing to do with the colour of your borders or your ads. This is a different trick... What is the one single thing that makes the most money in Adsense - and why almost NOBODY is doing it - which I find criminal. (No, it's not about building sites "in bulk"). |
How to Improve Your Adsense Quality Score And Avoid "Smartpricing": The importance of inbound links in the quality score of your page. Yes, even though you are paying for your traffic, Google still wants to see links! Why you should avoid building link farms or spam networks of sites. And why you can be already in trouble if you have "spammed" in the past... What to do if you where a "naughty boy" (or girl) in the past and now you want to start anew. Google doesn't like this but you can do it, if you are smart. What LSI or Latent Semantic Indexing is all about and how to implement it on your site within a couple of minutes. Forget the technical mumbo jumbo that just confuse you even more! Things are simple, if you know how... What "corporate info" you should have on your site that will increase your Adsense quality score. These should have nothing to do with Adsense - but oddly enough they can increase your earnings! Have you ever heard of "people rank"? Everybody just focuses on "page rank" and they miss the boat. Discover what "people rank" is all about and how to use it to make more money from Adsense (Hint: Google is playing Big Brother on you and you don't even know it...) How to add simple videos on your site for free. You don't have to create them and you don't have to host them. You just find the video you like, you copy and paste a tiny piece of code on your page and you are good to go. Your site will look ten times cooler - not to mention that your visitors will spend more time (and money) on your site! How to properly structure your site (not just your landing page) for Adsense Arbitrage . Yes, this is key and you should know how it's done... Where the money is REALLY made and why nobody is doing this. This is simple and can double, triple or even quadruple your profits - without working harder! |
How To Use Email Marketing To Make Even More Profits: How to create killer follow up messages that make you money on autopilot. I will open my bag of tricks and share with you some of my best tactics for turning stone-cold "suspects" into fanatical customers... How to make your subscribers consume your free reports - so they read the message you have for them. This is a very soft-sell approach to making money... The "sellathon in a box" trick that works like gangbusters. Some people think it's manipulative but they are wrong. Learn why. Why it's your DUTY to do everything possible to get your prospect’s money and deliver a great product! The "PS" trick that will make your subscribers wait anxiously for your next email... What you can say in your email to make your subscribers read your previous emails that they may have missed... How to make your emails look up-to-date - even if you created them months ago! What to say in your email if you want your subscribers to become your evangelists and "spread the word" about your site... How to engage your reader so they become more involved in the whole process (the more involved they become, the more money they spend with you). What's the real purpose of your emails? Should you try to sell in your emails? Or do something else? A great way to promote affiliate products in your emails (no, it's not about preselling - this is twice as slick). The only autoresponder solution I recommend... |
How To Get Tons Of Targeted Traffic With Google Adwords: Why PPC is one of the best ways to start the promotion of your website. It offers many advantages that you just can't find in other advertising media... The lethal trap that many "free traffic aficionados" fall into - and why you need to avoid it at all costs... How to get traffic to your Adsense page: How to tap into the "long tail" traffic of black hat and white hat sites that rank High on Google, Yahoo and MSN and steal it for next to nothing! Why having too many OR too few keywords in your adgroups is a big mistake. Many "gurus" say that the ultimate is having one keyword per adgroup. Well, good luck trying to make Adwords work with that advice... How to write Google ads that get clicks. Ad-writing tips that increase the quality score of your ads and get you more traffic at lower prices... What to do if Google "flags" some of your ads for inappropriate content. Hint: You can get away with many more things than you think. Make sure you make use of all your "legal rights". 73 of the best words and phrases to use in your ads. These are taken directly from my personal swipe file. How to use symbols to save space and draw more attention to your ads at the same time Why being "original" can be he kiss of death when creating your ads (Hint: let others do the heavy lifting) How to see the ads in the USA, if you live out of the states. This is critical or you won't be able to write the best possible ads. How to determine which of your competitors ads get the highest CTR. This can save you a lot of time and get you a better CTR right out of the gate How to use to get ideas for writing better ads. How to use "sex appeal" in your ads so you get even more clicks (don't worry - this technique is "family friendly") A sneaky trick for increasing the CTR of your ads - MOST GOOGLE EDITORS DON'T EVEN KNOW IT'S ALLOWED (and no, it has got nothing to do with "dynamic keyword insertion"). This one is very cool and works like gangbusters. With your permission, I will expand on this one for a while - it's one of my favorites: Sometimes, when I use this strategy, I get some ads disapproved. Sometimes I get MANY ads disapproved. I sit there in my inbox seeing emails coming in with the subject line: "Your Google Adwords Approval Status" (If you are advertising with Adwords, you know what I'm talking about). I let the guy who disapproves my ads play with my account for a while. Then, I send the "Magic Email" to Google (once) and all my ads are magically reactivated (I don't even login to my account). Plus, I get an apology from Google (always the same) that I include below:
By the way, I think that Google ROCKS. Despite the "witch hunt" going on in forums lately, I have never dealt with a company so honest that have their acts so "together." Google editors are well-paid educated people who listen to reason.They ain't a bunch of morons. When you contact them, be polite and professional - and you'll be amazed what you can get away with! Why people who say that "the Google content network doesn't convert" are DEAD WRONG! Many times, the content network gives me lower costs per acquisition than the search network. For example, a subscriber may cost me $0.75 to acquire on the search network and only $0.50 to acquire on the content network. If you are not using the content network, you are leaving many 100-dollar bills on the table for your competitors (who happily use and profit from the content network). How to track the traffic from the content network. Unlike the search network, Google doesn't offer you good tracking with the content network. Basically, you can get tons of junk traffic and tons of top quality traffic. I’ll show you how to find where the junk traffic comes from and how to stop paying for it... The importance of split-testing your ads and why it's crucial you do it. This is the most reliable way to get more traffic at lower cost per click... A kick-ass tool that allows you to put Google Adwords campaign generation on steroids. You can upload hundreds of adgroups and keywords in minutes and save hours (days?) of work. Best of all: it's 100% free! (no, it's not some "cheapo" freeware crap. This is industrial strength software that could EASILY sell for $997!). This is one of the best-kept secrets of the "big boys"... How to create a site-targeted campaign on Adwords. This is perfect for those people who are too lazy to do deep keyword research and yet want to steal tons of traffic from their competitors for pennies on the dollar! Don't worry, if you have never started a site-targeted campaign before, you can watch how it's done on video... How to set up campaigns that bring 20%, 30%, 40% or more CTR ON THE CONTENT NETWORK. Most content network campaigns are lucky if they get over 0.50%. Discover the best-kept secret of Adwords "insiders"... How to create multiple landing pages on the fly. You can create just one landing page and have it "morph" depending on the keywords you bid on or the adgroup it belongs to. A sneaky trick to add content behind your landing page on the fly - without writing a single word. This is a little black-hattish - but a very cool trick that you won't find anywhere else on the internet (and you can quote me on that). How to tap into the multi-million dollar budget of pharmaceutical companies to sell boatloads of your affiliate products... Which are the best countries to target if you sell an English product of universal interest... Why you may want to create a different campaign for USA and a different one for all the other countries. Don't worry - Ill show you how to clone your USA campaign and have it run under different countries in less than 10 minutes (this would usually take hours and hours) What the proper campaign settings are: Including why you need to set a budget higher than most people (don't worry, it will only lead to more profits in your pocket)... |
How To Take Your Business To the Next Level: How to use Adsense Arbitrage to spy on your competitors, gather market intelligence, see what people like, what sells and what to do if you want to take your business to the next level... Why surveying your subscribers may NOT be the best way to decide what product to promote. Let's just say that I will give you a lot of food for thought regarding this. Find out how to decide what product to create - there are more reliable ways. How to use keyword tools to find out what people's most burning questions are Why you need to create your product super quickly (2-3 days). Forget about slaving over it for months and months. I will show you how to create a better product faster - and get some initial cash flow going for you What bodybuilders can teach you about marketing and getting great results from the hours you spend in your business Winning landing page templates for your Adsense Arbitrage . Use these templates as inspiration or even "as are" to set up your arbitrage campaigns... How to stop information overload. The problm with most people is not that they don't know what to do. It's that they know too damn much! In the information age we live, people have started developing something called "information anxiety" - wanting to learn more and more and more - without knowing how to handle the info! Here's how to avoid this pitfall. My "super ebook" trick and how to use this to banish information overload, organise information super quickly and Why ideas by themselves are worthless and what to do if you get more ideas than you can act upon How To Start When You Have Almost No Money: Bankrupt, Broke and on the Run: Many people have cash-flow issues. This section is dedicated to them. I'll give you several good ideas on how to stop bleeding money and make some quick cash that will help you jump start your business. How To Overcome Procrastination: Most people know exactly what to do and yet they never do it. The last thing I want to happen is you read the manual and then say "that was cool" now let's find something else to play with. Banish procrastination once and for all and discover how to make things happen today! Should you go for many niches or stick to one? There are conflicting opinions on this - but I will tell you what ha worked best for me - and why |
Adsense Arbitrage Voodoo is of course 100% guaranteed. I know this manual will knock your socks off - so I risk nothing by guaranteeing your success:
Big Bad Guarantee: Make $400 in 7 Days or Adsense Arbitrage Voodoo is Free! we'll make my guarantee as simple as possible: Get the manual. Go through it. Start your first Adsense Arbitrage campaign. If you haven't made at least $400 in profit in the next 7 days, we will refund your money. And, you can evaluate the manual and use the methods for 8 full weeks. If at any point you feel that Adsense Arbitrage Voodoo is not for you, we will refund all your money- and you can keep the manual for free! Fair enough? we hope so. |
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