Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Google Nemisis - Day Job Killer!

google nemesis

"$2 Million A Year ClickBank Profiteer Raids Google for $1,456 Each Day, With New Software... Google Nemesis "

If you're feeling locked out of the "make money" game because you don't have hours to spare, or money to burn on another dead-end ebook.. then here are incredible news for you.

This Automated Google System...

• can be slotted into your day whenever you choose, allowing you to quickly make sneaky "Google raids"

• A complete "no brainer" way to siphon off a second income with Google - no fancy jargon, no decision making, nothing to interpret.

Clone our software and dip into the ClickBank cash mountain just by following our secret signals...

Here's the incredible story of how it happened...

PROOF: $42,157 in 16 days....

(That's $2,634 Each Day ... all from Google Adwords!)

New, "Click and Profit" Breakthrough Software
Snatches $2,657 From Google In 24 Hours...

The next few moments will expose you to highly sensitive information... if you truly want to dramatically increase your income then keep reading...

Through a long process of listening, studying, meeting the right people, picking up hints, gradually uncovering small pieces of the jigsaw and fishing for clues, I was able to piece together an intriguing scenario that is totally unsuspected by the average affiliate.

It took us several months of research, but here's what we uncovered...

• there exists a secret group of affiliates called the shadow elite (that's our own name for them - in truth, they remain nameless and private).

• they make huge amounts of money using their special hands-off system.

• the 100,000 active CB affiliates don't even notice...

And... now we knew their secret!

But why do so few people know about the movements of this shadow elite?

Well, I'm going to take a risk and share a couple of "inner circle secrets" with you. Many of them aren't going to make for pleasant reading. But they could have an enormously positive effect on your bank balance - if youre prepared to take these points on board.

Their Simple, Life-Changing Google Formula...

Here's the exact formula, the elite use, the very same formula I used to pump out an easy second income with Google...


You review our special guide and log onto our website and see which products have been highlighted for you as hot


You look for your special "shadow elite" indicators. It's almost like a combination lock - if you don't know the code, you will never discover the secret bounty hiding inside the vault.

But once someone (an insider) hands you the code, and the numbers line up, you could well be in profit within minutes.

These secret indicators surface rarely - but when you spot these tell-tale signs, you can be sure that a hot profit opportunity is right around the corner.


To stack the deck even more firmly in our favour, we launch our campaign with one of 3 proven website templates and create our Google ads using a very narrow, specific formula. We then sit back and wait for the automated software to flag the profit opportunities for us.

That's all there is to it. Once our campaign is live, we don't need to sit around waiting for the action to unfold. All you need to do is check daily to see how the campaign is doing.

The smart money moves swiftly and brutally - with devastatingly profitable purpose...

If the campaign is hot, then the "smart money" gets itself into a position to take advantage. We sit back and wait, then suddenly and without warning pounce for the kill.

This new method of profiting takes very little time once you are upto speed. Most affiliates spend hours setting up their campaigns, tweaking their ad spend, and struggling to guess where the money was being made.

The shadow elite approach seemed to dispense with all of that. The maximum time needed was just a few hours each week - on many days, there was no action to be taken whatsoever.

The ultimate weapon to make quick and easy "Google raids"...

So, how do I know without a shadow of a doubt, that the Google Nemesis software tool absolutely blows any other 'system' out there completely out of the water?

Because it solves every single problem you're currently having as an affiliate seeking to succeed in the online money game. FACT.

So, before you waste your money paying for another 'all-singing-all-dancing' software system...let me answer these key questions for you:

Does the software tool actually make money? We have tested the system exhaustively over the last few months and made thousands of dollars using it. For example, in one case we averaged over $2,000 per day with one campaign. I know of no other tool on the planet which can do this.

Is the system easy to use? Absolutely...even a 7-year old child can follow the system in minutes. I know you want to make money, but you also want a system which is easy to follow and easy to implement. You want to see clear instructions, step-by-step rules so you can spend as little time and fuss messing about with complicated techniques and wasting your time.

Do I need a lot of money to start? Nope. You can start with just a few hundred dollars. If you've ever tried making money with Adwords, you'll know how hard it is to make money with a small budget...but this tool is so accurate at 'pin-pointing' the best campaigns, meaning the game is finally "loaded" in your favor.

Will I have to sit in front of my PC for several hours throughout the day in order to make money from the system? Absolutely NOT! So often a great software tool comes along but lets you down because you have to sit there for hours, following and reacting to every signal in real time, throughout the day.

And before you know it, you're spending so much time doing it that whatever money you do make off it is not even worth the amount of time you invest using it...something that is almost impossible to do if you still have a day job right now.

With my Google Nemesis , you'll totally be able to fit it in around your lifestyle...

It only takes a few minutes to set up, and you can check on it every now and then to see the results.

And what about customer service? All too often, there's a 'take the money and run' attitude to most of the online marketers desperately trying to sell you stuff. They talk and talk and say all the right things to get your money, but once you have the system they don't want to hear from you.

When you join our team of successful affiliates using the Google Nemesis , you can email any question and my fully-trained customer service team will always give you a full and prompt reply.

Why 99% of affiliates fail...

The most important of these is naturally 'sales' - if you find that one magic keyword that generates all your sales, you've clearly found a winner.

But there's a problem with this method - you need to throw tons and tons of money at Google to even be in a position to get hold of that 'all-too-precious' profitable data.

With this system,you can launch a profitable campaign in less time,for less money....

Over $6,500,000,000 - why affiliate marketing is the modern day gold rush...

"PROOF: a system to show ordinary people how to create an extraordinary second income... and in far less time than was thought possible..."

"I have to admit Chris, I was pretty sceptical when I heard about your latest system... I was sceptical that it would be easy for me to clone the hottest ClickBank campaigns using your 3-step "secret indicator" system...

I was sceptical that your "hidden tracking system" would be able to flag the profitable keywords with less than $50 ad spend... but today, I have to admit, I am pretty shocked. The first campaign I launched [with your system] has made me over $970 of ClickBank sales in the last 3 days..."

Anthony Joshua

Anyone who's ever followed a "make money" guide but didn't get the results they wanted, badly needs to secure access to my brand new, powerful and unique " Google Nemesis tool-kit"...

It's simple. Google success - or your money back in 56 day...

Click to see: Google Nemesis System

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