After 30 years of being broke... and even homeless, insider declares:
"This Is EXACTLY How You Go From Broke And Unemployed To Making Over $29,842.33 In Less Than 30 Days
Starting With No List... No Website...
And No Money..."
IF you've ever wanted to make job ending cash with just a few hours from your home computer, then this will be the most important true story you ever read...
Over the next 7 minutes, I'm going to show you exactly how I went from broke, unemployable and flat out homeless to earning just under a thousand dollars a day from the internet. I'll also show you precisely how you can copy my results quickly and painlessly so that your accounts look just like mine...
But First I Need To Tell You What This
Program Is NOT...
| NO... This is NOT another rehashed Adwords guide that makes you dogfight with the competition for mere scraps... |
| NO... This is NOT an undercooked "me too" affiliate "secrets" |
| NO... This is NOT a program that requires ANY further investment, you can start right now even if you're completely broke like I was... |
From: Jonny Andrews |
Dear Friend,
Let me guess... right about now you may be wondering if all this "Hype" you're seeing is the real deal... maybe you're even asking yourself why you are, yet again, reading another "pitch from the internet" about something that claims to make a lot of money quickly and easily...
Would I be close?
If you're anything like me then you've probably seen 'em all, tried 'em all and had each and every one of them suck... sound familiar?
Yep, I hear where you're coming from. I've been in your situation before...
I've been broke...
I've been unemployed...
And even when I did have a "JOB" I seriously hated it... my boss was, without fail, the biggest jerk on the planet.
I'm not kidding! The last guy I worked for had a reputation for freaking out like a 2-year-old and throwing computer monitors at people! (True story)
But all of this is not for me to get you to feel sorry for me... it's to simply get the point across that I actually do get where you're coming from.
And what's even more important is the fact you ARE asking questions...
It Is Vital To Ask Questions... Questions Like:
| Is this for real? |
| Will this actually work... even if I'm new? |
| Can I truly make money that fast? |
| Is this too good to be true... or will I be taken for a ride? |
You always should be asking these questions... especially in today's economy.
Like I said before, I have been where you might be now... trying everything and having nothing work... no matter how much effort I put into it.
So before I continue... I Need To Stress This Point: I Am Not Special. I Do Not Have Powers Beyond That Of Mortals... I Was A Dork With A Computer...
But What I Discovered By Accident Is So Powerful, Yet So Easy, Anyone Can Achieve Success And Make HUGE Sums Of Money Online Quickly...
And In Just A Few Seconds I'll Show You The Undeniable Evidence That Everything I Say To You Today Is 100% True Guaranteed...
Hey, I Get It... You're Still Not Totally Convinced...
Maybe now you're wondering if that graphic up there is one of the "Famous Photoshoped" ClickBank income things you've been hearing about...
After all... if I was homeless and broke wouldn't I be desperate for cash? Wouldn't I do or say anything to get paid? At least, that's what I would be asking if I were you...
Is He Lying To Me? Are These All A Bunch Of Fake
ClickBank Screen Shots?
I'm right there with you... when it comes to somebody selling something on line my guard is 100% up and I flat out refuse to make a move until the dude really shows me the money... the money...
So to answer that question "Is all this totally fake?" I've made a little video for you...
Click The Video Below & See Real Proof: Because While You CAN Fake Screen Shots... You CANNOT Fake Actual, Flowing Income...
Here Are My "End Of Day" Results From This Single Tactic You Just Saw In The Video:
YES! | This System Makes Money... |
YES! | This System Is 100% Guaranteed... |
YES! | This System Can Work For YOU... |
Now That We Have Established The Fact
I'm Telling You The Truth...
...Let's Show You How To Make Money!
Even if you've been online for even a short time, you have probably noticed most other products claim to be able to show you the way to wealth... something about fast and easy. Right?
Here's the problem: I have yet to find one that is actually fast or easy! They all seem to be hundreds of pages filled with confusing techno-jargon without very much "meat".
What really shows you how to make money is something that's fast, easy, and broken down into bite-sized chunks... something that sets you up from square one... gets you making cash fast, and then shows you EXACTLY how to build...
Not too many of those around. Have you noticed?
But every now and then... one can rise above the rest.
And when that happens... everything changes.
Only Every So Often... Maybe Only Once In Your Lifetime... An Opportunity Presents Itself And
You Just Can't It Pass Up...
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Your Crossroads... And The True Story Of How All This
Really Happened...
As I said before, I used to be totally broke... at best living pay check to pay check, working jobs that made me miserable...
But then something happened, I discovered something incredible that changed everything...
I embraced my dream for a better life... and I seized my opportunity...
But for me it was not easy. Because I did not yet know the secrets I'm about to share with you
Being the dork I am, I came up with an idea and decided to launch an online business. (sound familiar?)
I suppose I woke up one day and made up my mind I'd had enough of my boss. He was, after all, a total jerk.
So with almost zero intelligent foresight I began the insane, drawn-out process of attempting to build something outside of the normal 9 to 5.
Let me give you a quick peek into my Internet "Guru" Background:
I had none.
| I had never built a website... |
| I had never sold online... |
| I had pretty much never made any money outside of my normal job. Ever. |
| I had never even HEARD of Adwords or SEO or any of that "Guru" crap... |
| I had never heard of "List Building"... |
| I had never heard of "Info Product Marketing"... |
| And I most certainly did NOT know what the word "Niche" meant! |
Perhaps you've been there?
Here's a quick breakdown of what my average week used to look like:
| Woke up early... sat down in front of my computer... |
| Came home for lunch... sat down in front of my computer... |
| Came home from work... sat down in front of my computer... |
| Weekends? (See previous 3 points) |
| Lather, rise, repeat... |
Now you may be wondering:
"By Doing All That Work You Were Able To Make $29,842.33 That Fast?"
Well no, I may have fudged the numbers a bit on that one...
You see it was really over $107,000 in my first year but I didn't know that at the time because when I stumbled onto this secret, the money started coming in so fast I couldn't count it until much later!
But no...
That Was NOT the Super-Secret-Money-Making-Success-Formula"....
That Was The "Super-Secret-Get-My-Ass-Fired-Because-I-Was-Neglecting-My-Job" Formula!
I was so focused trying to build my online business I completely tuned out at my "real job" and found myself filling out forms at the unemployment office.
Let's put aside for a moment what all my friends and family were saying about me and my new "Internet Business" and focus on the facts:
FACT #1: | I had screwed myself... |
FACT #2 | After over 4 months I still had no idea what I was doing... |
FACT #3: | Because of #2 I had over spent on "Internet Guru" eBooks... |
FACT #4: | Because of Fact #3 I had ZERO cash to buy food... |
Bottom Line: I Had No More Money And Was
Scared Out Of My Mind...
Now here is the point where you will want to pay attention. I'm going to give you the formula I used to pull my head out of my butt and start seeing some income...
You see, my problem was I had been reading too many outdated eBooks about the "Uncovering The Secrets of This" or the "Cracking The Code of That" and was using techniques that made no sense or had little to no effect...
How Was I Supposed To Know What Techniques Would Work And Which Were A Joke??
I was a total newbie, had no experience in this at all, was blowing cash left and right...
How was there any way to know everything I was buying was guaranteed to destroy my progress?
I Had Spent Over $2,550 On "Guru How To Books" In Less Than 4 Months
The major issue here was how much of what they were selling was recycled content. In fact, I bought so many books, CDs and training kits that a pattern began to emerge!
I'm not kidding, I cracked the code of the "Guru Code"
Would You Like To Know The Ultimate Secret Of The Wealthy?
Take what everyone else is saying, re-write it into your own words and then sell it to people exactly like me. Now you can make a million dollars in 2 seconds!
Wow! Wasn't that easy?
Here's the problem with that: 5 years ago somebody might be able to get away with re-hashing the same old BS. But things have changed since then. The Internet is a vastly different place.
What made all the difference, and pulled me out of my financial hole before they came to tow my car was I stopped listening to the "Gurus" and started paying attention to what was going on around me!
THAT is what made all the difference...
Simply Copy/Paste These Exact, Secret Techniques So YOU Also Can Have A Total Cash Transformation...
... Then Follow In My Footsteps To Transform Into:
And That's Not Even The Half Of It... When You Begin Using These Simple Systems, Dominating ClickBank Is
Only The Beginning...
$6,436.00 In No Time On Top Of What What You Can Make In ClickBank... (and there's more...)
Once You Unlock These Secret Systems, You Can Even Get Paid To Give Stuff Away Free!
(Yes, it's true... I got paid $6,240.00 to give a bunch of cool, free stuff to people...)
...And Now You Can Finally Discover How To Do
Before we continue, I need to ask a question:
Are You Happy With Your Online Success?
Have The "Make Money" Books Made you the money you were looking for?
I would hazard to guess not. In fact, if statistics are any real indication I'd guess you may be just like I was, part of the 99.999% of Internet Hopefuls who loose their shirts and their dreams every year to "Get Rich Online" hype.
Let me tell you about another odd benefit that came from buying all that worthless eBook junk: You can see the truth. You can compare the stark contrast between what we are being sold, and how this business really works!
I discovered most of these wealthy online 'elite' were so busy re-writing each others books they missed the real secrets!
Most Of These So Called Gurus Know Nothing About How To Actually Run An Autopilot Business...
But They Sure Love To Sell The Dream!
I’m not going to lie to you, what you’re about to read isn’t for everyone.
You see, I had to fight for my knowledge... I had to struggle every day against the insane amount of bad and misleading information....
I'll be honest, this was not easy for me to discover. I had to spend hours every day slaving away at my computer... abandoning site after site, business after business...
Until finally, after all that hard work...
I Cracked The Code And Discovered The Secret...
Looking back, over all my shattered hopes and dreams, all the lies and all the wasted effort I was clearly able to see the path I SHOULD HAVE taken...
They say hindsight is 20/20... You know what I mean?
Now all I have to do is focus on the few tactics and systems that actually work! Now it's easy!
And that's why you are very, very fortunate to have found this page.
When You Follow These Simple Step-By-Step, Copy/Paste Systems... Making Money Online Has Become Easier Than Ever!
Your life does NOT have to be like mine... you CAN make it easy!
If you take control of your situation now, stop listening to the lies and start taking a more simple approach you can turn it all around!
Now You Can Explode Your Income Faster And
Easier Than Ever!
Once I discovered the total Guru ignorance and misuse of the new technology I was able to change everything...
What I found may be uncomfortable for you to swallow, because I'm not just going to expose these secrets...
I am going to string them up for all to see...
This Is What You Can Accomplish Using Only A Fraction Of The Secrets You
Will Unlock Inside...
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Yes! You Can Change Everything In Just One Day... And This Is Your OpportunityThis System Will Put You On The Path To Launching Your Own Copy/Paste Simple Online Business And Making At Least $100,000 Per Year...And I Guarantee That 100%! | |||||||||||||
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These Will Not Last Long... So Act Now! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wait... Is This Too Good To Be True?
Okay, I'm reading back through this and it's starting to sound like one of those "get rich quick" schemes I'm so dead set against.
No, this is not that.
In fact I'll be totally honest with you... you're going to have to take action to see results. "Get Rich Quick" couldn't be further from the truth. You're about to get your first real taste of what it means to be a part of a multi-million dollar industry.
This is a real business.
As with any real business, you WILL have to put some effort in to get results.
What you learn from The Guru Assassin will not make you a millionaire overnight. Please do not think that's what I'm offering you. And to further this open conversation we're having... that overnight millionaire system does not exist. However...
If you are looking for a system that will
| Blast you through the confusion and get you making money fast... |
| Show you simple, step-by-step instructions... |
| Actually work for YOU and help make YOU money... |
| Allow you to succeed on YOUR terms... |
Then Yes... We Should Keep Talking
What you will learn is probably the easiest real method that anyone can use without any special skills or online know-how to start building real money quickly... sometimes within hours of implementing it.
And I do guarantee that.
If for any reason - or even no reason at all - you are not completely convinced that this simple to follow "just copy me and make money" plan cannot make you a very nice part time or even full time income, then you pay me NOTHING. More on this in a second.
But Why Would I Want To Give These Secrets To You When They Cost Me So Much?
I have come to realize that my situation was no different than yours. We are so much alike, and I know you have spent far too much time reading the books, going to the seminars, listening to the lies...
You are wasting your life to see next to zero returns from your efforts. I want to show you how to win. How to really win, and to begin seeing the income streams you have always been promised.
It starts by opening your eyes. And that makes all the difference.
When you begin to adopt the simple strategies found in The Guru Assassin your luck can change. You eyes can be opened and you will never again be held hostage by the lies.
Work-Horse Methods Do Not Produce More Money... They Produce More Failure And Heart Attacks!
The methods you will find all over the Net, in every "Make Money System" is all about Busy Work.
Those so-called Guru Secrets are designed to keep you out of the real money markets, that advice is created to hold you back, to get you focused on the manual labor aspect to your online business and NOT focus you on making money like they do.
Because if you were to make money like they do... You could take their market! And they wouldn't want that, would they?
You see, I am DRIVEN to help you.
For all the time you have spent searching the internet desperately looking for the secrets... and just when you thought you found it all it became was your money fattening another Guru pocket and not the key to success as they promised. Because this time last year I was exactly where you are now...
I had to fight through the smokescreen of lies, bad information and I was able to change my life. And if you give me just a few more seconds, I may be able to offer you that same opportunity.
My Story Began Just Like Yours...
I'm looking at the same computer monitor, I'm surfing the same Internet and dreaming the same dreams. I swallowed the same lies and I had the same crushing failure. I bought into and spent thousands on all the latest and greatest products to "explode my sales this" and "make money that..."
I needed to make those incredible sales... that would spell Freedom for myself... for my family... And it almost never happened.
I was sitting in the same position you are in today, and now I'm looking back and it is hitting me how incredible this new understanding is. How these small shifts in thinking and action can change so much for so many people.
Today I understand that success happens not in the huge swings we take, but in the small, almost silent differences we make in our lives. I know this now and...
... I realized I could give you that same feeling of excitement. I realized that I could really make a difference in your life and give you the advantage... that you could experience the same success I am living...
Once My Eyes Were Opened I Was Able to Make $29,842.33 In Less Than 30 Days With These Systems...
And So Can You!
I am still amazed at how quickly it can all change.
I went from a total nobody with a run down computer, to launching a massive 6 figure online business almost over night.
And I truly believe you can as well.
But only if you have the proper formula. You need somebody to show you step by step through the maze of misinformation...
That's when I started looking for anyone who had this incredible information. I wanted to know who else out there was like me, who else knew what I knew and did what I did.
What I realized was the wasn't anyone.
Not at the conferences, not in the top forums, not in the darkest corners of "black-hat" marketing. When I went looking for an answer I only found lies, old promises, misguided advice... but even more...
...I discovered many of the ones selling the most were the ones who knew the least...
Are You Willing To Use A Complete Blueprint That Will Not Only Make Your Life Easier, But Can Skyrocket Your Income With A Speed You Never Dreamed?
Because when you use this you leave the teaming masses behind with their failure... so you can finally take your place among the top online money-makers with ease?
But there is a catch: you must be willing to put aside your doubts and disbeliefs.
You must be ready to take hold of this golden opportunity and allow me to show you things you have not seen before... and use strategies that may feel different... because they are.
You must be ready to unlearn the lies you have been taught in the past. Because you have not yet looked beyond those locked doors and seen what an incredible power you have at your disposal.
You have not yet truly seen what your freedom looks like. Remember, this all started with me doing exactly what you are doing now but where we are heading is drastically more amazing... because I'm going to spill all the secrets for you:
The fact is, almost 99% of online marketers are just as broke today as they were when they first started out.
Does that sound like you?
The Real Truth Is... You Can Make Money Online Quickly And Easily When Have The Path Cut For You...
All You Must Do Is Say "YES!" And Grab That Opportunity Starring You In The Face...
Let me ask you this: would you rather burn up years of your life heading in the wrong direction, following blueprints that have not yet been tried and tested?
Would you rather join that powerful elite group who truly works only hours per week while still making a healthy 6 figure income?
Have you ever wondered if there may be just some small variation between what you do and what they do that makes make all the difference?
The fact is... you would be right.
Almost 100% of what you read has been written to lead you away from the truth on purpose.
IF you are willing to let them. But the fact is, following their advice will not only rob you of your money, it will rob you of your dreams.
How Much Is This Worth To You?
The quick answer is: Your entire life. Past, present and future... you will never get back the time you have lost or the hours you have spend waiting for something to happen. You can spend the next 3, 5, 10 years doing the same thing as everyone else... hoping for a better result, when the real secrets are now starring you in the face.
This is your opportunity to shortcut the back-breaking labor and deadly lies you have been fed... You can jump ahead of all the "Gurus" out there you see making all the money. This isn't just about financial value, this is about your life. This is about having everything you want, so that you come to the point where so many others have come... to Success!
And because of that many others have gladly paid $2,500 - $15,000 for 'private coaching sessions' from the 'elite gurus'.
But I don't want you to pay even $1000 for this opportunity. This is what many of the big-time marketers demanded that I charge. You see, even though I have paid that much for my education, and spent untold hours walking in the wrong direction I do not want you to suffer the same fate. And I am willing to charge a fee with many have called insane.
Because for a very, very limited time I am going to offer you the complete Guru Assassin System a value of over $249... including all the templates and videos.
...a combined value of well over $3,500 for the measly investment of only $999, $749, $599, $325, $200, $199... Not even $149! For the first 47...
Only The Low One-Time Investment
Of $77
And For A Limited Time Get Over $1,560 In FREE Cash-Sucking Bonuses!
This ridiculously small sum represents your 'admission' charge... your pitiful investment for a Front-Row Seat To Your Success! You get to join those who have already taken the steps and the actions to assure they are forever remembered.
And Yes... If You Are Ever Unsatisfied, The Guru Assassin is Backed By An Unconditional, No Questions Asked 100% Money Back Guarantee...
I'll Hand Back Every Penny You Invested Here Today
It's Decision Time... Order The Guru Assassin
System Now Or Get Ready To Be Trampled
By Those Who Do
You can either stand up now and pick up this limited time offer of The Guru Assassin now for $199, $149 the deeply discounted price of only $77... or be slaughtered by your competition.
Right now you are standing at the doorway of decision, it's still early in the game... you can still stay ahead of the massive wave of change that is coming... but only if you take action now.
Statistics say you only have a few months to stay ahead of your competition... Are you going to let them get a hold of this first? Are you going to let them control the market place?
The question is simple: Are you going to wake up and not only protect yourself, but explode your sales in the process? Or are you just going to lay down and quit?
I suppose there really isn't much of a choice.
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