Attention: Anyone losing money with Google Adwords...
"New Stealth Analysis Tool Allows You To Find The Exact Keywords That Are Nearly Guaranteed To Make YOU Money With The Google Adwords System!"
... Let your competition waste THEIR money, testing out which keywords make and lose money, then use PPC Shadow to uncover the exact keywords that they've proven to make money, and use them for your own campaigns!
From the desk of Brad Callen
Indianapolis, IN
Sunday, February 08th, 2009
Dear fellow internet marketer,
Let's be honest with ourselves... There are tons of ways to generate traffic on the internet, but there is no single better way to generate "targeted" traffic than with the Google Adwords system.
We've heard it all before. Using Google Adwords, you bid certain amounts for specific keywords. Then when a user searches on that keyword, your ad shows up on the right hand side of Google for whatever they're searching on.
For example, if you bid on "golf balls" and someone searches on golf balls, they see your ad. Click it. Visit your site, and buy your stuff. Then you get rich. We've heard the story a million times...
If ONLY it were really that easy. That's what the "gurus" want you to believe. That's what I used to believe. And That's what many others still believe until they get sucked in and lose all their money.
But the reality is, it's nowhere near that easy. If it were, everyone would be making millions from Google Adwords... and that, unfortunately is not the case.
The truth of the matter is, using Google Adwords blindly is very very hard, if not completely impossible. You probably already know that. If not, go ahead and give Adwords a try for a few days, then come back here, and I can guarantee you'll agree with me.
I hate to sound so negative, but using Adwords can be one of the fastest ways to LOSE money on the internet. In the past, I remember losing over $200 in a matter of 5 minutes!
Ok, we've estiblished how difficult Google Adwords can be
if done wrong, so let me get to the point of this letter...
Well, surprise! There actually IS good news. There IS a "right" way to use Google Adwords, and I'm about to tell you what that is.
It involves "piggy-backing" off of your competition so that you're not the one wasting money by testing which keywords will actually bring you traffic and make you sales. You'll be letting your competition do that for you.
Then, you'll just swoop in, take their keywords, and advertiser your own service with those keywords.
Are you with me so far?
So, in the example above, I would be monitoring "hypnosis" related keywords if I sold a hypnosis product and wanted to know which keywords would likely make me money. As well as which "types" of Adwords ads convert well.
I wouldn't be wasting money testing this on my own website. I would be letting my competition test all of this, while I let PPCShadow monitor their progress.
This concept itself is nothing new and has actually been around in the magazine industry for years and years.
Let me explain, I'm sure you've seen ads in magazines. You know, full page ads that say something like "Lose 25 pounds in 7 days by taking this little pink pill." and then there's some pictures of a woman before the pill and after the pill.
Well, behind the scenes, what is happening each month is, this specific advertiser has a whole swarm of competitors spying on their ads. Everyone spys on everyone.
Each month, their competitors will actually purchase that same magazine and see if this "weight loss advertiser" is continuing to advertise in that specific magazine. If they are continuing to run their ad in that magazine, it's making that advertiser money.
If they stopped running the ad, then it didn't make them money. Simple.
So, after a couple of months, what their competition would do is basically write a similar ad. Advertise in the same magazine. And then expect and get similar, profitable, results.
Everyone "piggy-backs" and copies off of one another's findings and success. For some strange reason, this concept has never really become mainstream and common practice in the internet marketing community. This is GREAT news for people like us, that are "in the know".
The EXACT same concept works with Google Adwords, and
not just slightly better... I'm talking 10-20 times better!
You monitor your competition for specific keywords they're bidding on. If they continue bidding on those keywords month after month, then they're making money by bidding on those keywords.
If they stop bidding on the keywords, then they weren't making money.
Can you see how ridiculously easy it is to let your competition spend the money while you just sit back and analyze what they're doing?
Now, here's the caveat to this...
With Google Adwords, it's very time consuming to manually keep track of hundreds, or even thousands of keywords that your competition is bidding on... and then manually check each day in Google to see if they're continuing to bid on those keywords.
This is, in my opinion, why not everyone does this, and why you've likely never used this strategy, or maybe not even have heard of it before. Manually doing this takes alot of time and alot of effort. Effort and time that most people simply don't have or want to spend.
Now, because I was one of those people that definitely did not have the time NOR the desire to manually monitor and keep track of all of this, I simply hired my extremely talented team of programmers to create a program that will do ALL of this for me!
This tool has quickly become my secret weapon, allowing me to advertise ANY product with Google Adwords and make money from day 1.
How's it work?
Well, it works exactly like I explained above, but rather than manually doing all of that tracking, the program automatically tracks this (and ALOT more) for me, while I'm sleeping or carrying on with the rest of my day, doing stuff to grow my business.
All I do is input a list of keywords into the software and click "go". The software then takes that list of keywords and monitors every single Adwords advertiser that's bidding on those keywords. It monitors them every single day, telling me if the advertisers are continuing to advertise on those keywords, as well as if they've made any changes or tweaks to their ads to make them more profitable.
While they're spending money testing keywords and ad
copy, we just let our program monitor what they've
wasted THEIR money figuring out! :-)
After a few weeks, I know EXACTLY which keywords and websites are making money, and which keywords and websites are losing money. We then take those keywords and use them to advertise our own products, and guess what happens? I MAKE MONEY!
When you do hear of people making money with Google Adwords, whether they're doing this sort of monitoring manually, or using a system like this, THIS is likely how they're doing it. And now you're "in the know" on what the so called "big secret" is.
Now, because a system like this takes an insane amount of server resources to run, we cannot open up membership wide open to an unlimited number of people. I wish we could, but there's only so many servers we can pack into one office.
* Important Note: If you see the register link at the bottom of this page, it means that we have atleast 1 membership opening. If the link is not there, then membership is closed until another position opens up.
So, again, if you see the link below, you can get access to PPC Shadow .
And like with any of our products and services, we offer a full 60 day money back guarantee. If you don't make money with our million dollar Adwords tracking system (PPC Shadow ) then we'll give you a full refund, no questions asked.
I want to see you succeed. That is our first and foremost purpose. If you don't, then I don't want your money. It's that simple. There is absolutely no risk on you, which is how I would have wanted it when I first started advertising with Google Adwords.
Server Status: February 08, 2009 19:53:11
Membership Status: Open Temporarily
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P.S. Remember, they offer a full 60 day money back guarantee. If using PPC Shadow doesn't show you the exact keywords and ads that will allow you to make money with Google Adwords, then simply contact our 24 hour support department and we'll issue you a full refund, no questions asked, period.
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